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Pictures Of WWE's Kane Running For Mayor In Tennessee Just Look Weird

Pictures Of WWE's Kane Running For Mayor In Tennessee Just Look Weird

Maybe if he chokeslams his competitors it'll be the first political debate that was actually worth watching

Mike Wood

Mike Wood

Remember Kane from WWE? He ruled, right? Well, if you think Kane rules, then you might want to move to Knoxville, Tennessee in the very near future.

The Big Red Machine is standing for election as Mayor of Knox County, hoping to win the Republican nomination - which is as good as winning the main election in this staunchly conservative area of America's South.

Standing under his real name of Glenn Jacobs, Kane is one of three Republicans up for the post and he's been out door-knocking to support his campaign.

"Because I travel so much with WWE, we could live pretty much anywhere in the country that we wanted, but my family and I live here because we love it here," he writes on his campaign website.

"Most of all, we love the people. Folks here are kind and friendly, and possess a quality that is lacking in many other places... loads of common sense."

A lifelong libertarian, Jacobs adds: "Is your money better in your pocket or in some politicians' hands? I think it's better in your pocket."

"The federal government gets a lot of press and that's what the media talks about, but your state and local governments in many ways have more impact on your life than the federal government does," he told the FOX Business' Risk and Reward programme, confusingly hosted by fellow wrestler John Bradshaw Layfield.

Kane has previously spoken at anarcho-capitalist thinktanks and regularly appears on media outlets promoting his laissez-faire economic views. He's also appeared on Infowars, the controversial far-right US publication, speaking to known maniac Alex Jones about the 'police state' in America.

In his website bio, Kane writes: "The American Dream is alive and well. I'm living proof. Where else but America could a farm boy from rural Missouri achieve success in, of all things, the world of professional wrestling?"


Kane has been involved in the Knoxville area, for decades, having moved there in 1995. In standing for election, some interesting details have appeared about his life outside the ring - such as the fact he's worked in insurance for years.

I don't know about you, but I'd never make any claims if I knew that I had to make them in person to Kane.

Featured Image Credit: Twitter / Glenn Jacobs / WWE

Topics: kane, US News, Wrestling, WWE, Politics