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Study finds a possible link between lads who drive sports cars and small penises

Study finds a possible link between lads who drive sports cars and small penises

Seems like Greta Thunberg may have been on to something with her 'small d**k energy' comment.

Psychologists have finally attempted to prove what many of us have all assumed for so long: that having small penis size correlates to owning a sports car.

And, well, it looks like Greta Thunberg may have had a point about her 'small d**k energy' comment.

A team from the Department of Experimental Psychology from the University College London surveyed 200 men aged between 18 and 74 to ask the eternal question.

That question being, if there is 'any truth to the cliche that a man driving an expensive sports car is compensating for his male inadequacy'.

agefotostock / Alamy

And, well, they have found something.

The crew at University College London reckon they have confirmed 'a casual psychological link' between fast cars and small penises for the 'first time'.

"In this experiment, we manipulated what men believed about their own penis size, relative to others," the study, entitled Small Penises and Fast Cars: Evidence for a Psychological Link, reads.

"We gave them false information, stating that the average penis size was larger than it in fact is, reasoning that, on average, these males will feel that relatively and subjectively their own penis was smaller."

They then asked the men a series of questions about different products and how they made them feel, including how much they would like to own a sports car.

As per the study: "These facts and questions were buried amongst other items giving information and asking for product ratings, so that our hypothesis was masked from participants."

Caution: fellas, it ain't looking good for those of you out there with fast cars.

Luxury cars.
Steppenwolf / Alamy

"We found that males, and males over 30 in particular, rated sports cars as more desirable when they were made to feel that they had a small penis," the study said.


However, what is important is that this study hasn't yet been peer-reviewed, according to IFLScience, and even the authors admit 'these results raise intriguing questions for future research'.

Anyway, the very same topic made headlines recently when Greta Thunberg mocked Andrew Tate after he boasted to her about his fleet of luxury cars.

Thunberg fired back at Tate's goading about the amount of damage he was doing to the planet by saying he could email her all about it at smalld**[email protected].

The savage burn was felt all around the world as many were cackling at the Swedish climate activist's brutal comeback.

Featured Image Credit: motorlife / Alamy. photoflorenzo / Alamy.

Topics: Science, Weird, News