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Teen Slapped In Face By Seagull On 75MPH Sling Shot Ride

Teen Slapped In Face By Seagull On 75MPH Sling Shot Ride

An extra passenger decided to join in on the fun, announcing itself by landing a right hook

Anish Vij

Anish Vij

Usually when you go on an amusement park ride you scream because of the thrill. Well, after a girl was thrown in the air like a cannon ball, a seagull decided to join her mid-flight and welcomed itself by slapping the poor teen in the face. She looked terrified, as you can see below:

Two teens were on a sling shot ride in New Jersey and were launched in the air at speeds of 75mph.

That's when an extra passenger decided to join in on the fun, announcing itself by landing, what looked like, a right hook to Kiley's face.

The pair - Georgia Reed, 41, and Kiley Holman, 13 - were celebrating Georgia's birthday. While the birthday girl was busy having a great time, she was completely oblivious to what was happening to her mate.

Able to think on her feet, Kiley managed to somehow pull the bird off her face and it eventually flew away.

The quite frightful 'seagull-slap' took place last month (6 July) in at Morey's Piers & Beachfront Waterpark in US.

Kiley told Fox News: "I knew there was no going back, it was just going to hit me. I didn't know what to do, so I wait for it to spin over and then I just grabbed it and threw it off me quick."

Despite the bird's efforts, it must be said that the girl was not hurt after the incident. However, Georgia and Kiley are reluctant to go on a sling shot ride again.

YouTube/Robert Reed

Whilst one might think these incidents are rather uncommon and undeliberate, conspiracy theorists are likely to disagree.

On Twitter there is an account dedicated to the idea that the US Government is replacing seagulls with identical drone replicas 'designed to spy on the American public'.

With 67,000 followers, @birdsarentreal, is a group of people said to have been founded in 1976.

Membership ranges from £4 or £8 a month, with varying benefits such as 'Extended Birds Aren't Real Documentary Video Content' and 'Voting on movement strategy and operations'.

Although, if you're really into this stuff, you can get a 'Founding Father' membership that costs a whopping £1,359 per month.

Members of this package get a: "Birds Aren't Real Billboard with your face on it and flights/hotels/photoshoot to and from location."

Unfortunately, this deal doesn't apply to any bird-robot fans outside of the US.

Users have also taken to social media to prove that robotic birds are a real thing.

A TikTok video, posted by @cirruslyyesterday, was captioned - 'the cars of the sky'. It received 8 million views and 2 million likes in one day.


While looking up at the sky in amazement, it shows one seagull appearing to sit on another seagull that was flying.

Users seemed to believe that this was 'proof' that birds are battery powered drones.

This could be because the bird seemed to be flying on a seagull that didn't seem to move, almost like it was electrically operated...or controlled by someone else.

Featured Image Credit: YouTube/Robert Reed

Topics: Fail, US News, Birds, Theme Park