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Masked Gunmen Reportedly Shoot Seven Policemen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Masked Gunmen Reportedly Shoot Seven Policemen in Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Three have been confirmed dead.

Patrick Hulbert

Patrick Hulbert

Just over a week after the tragic events in Dallas when five policemen died, there has been another attack on the police. This time it's in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

This is the same town where Alton Sterling was killed less than two weeks ago.

Police are on the scene right now and the highway has been shut down.

Initially, two policemen had been confirmed dead by the mayor's office.

However, it has now been reported that a third officer also died, and that seven have been shot.

One gunman has been shot dead and reports suggest that two more may be on the loose.

It is not yet known whether this attack is connected to recent Afro-Amercian tensions with the police force after the deaths of Alton Sterling, as aforementioned, and Philando Castile in Minneapolis.

Here is footage from the shooting. All you can really hear is the gunshots.

More to follow.

Words Patrick Hulbert

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Topics: Black Lives Matter