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Joe Rogan Reveals Ripped Physique After Following The Carnivore Diet

Joe Rogan Reveals Ripped Physique After Following The Carnivore Diet

The comedian says he was fat-shamed into losing some weight

Dominic Smithers

Dominic Smithers

Joe Rogan has shown off his ripped physique after losing 12lbs from following the carnivore diet.

In a bid to get fit, for the past month the comedian has been following a strict regime that cuts out all vegetables, fruit, grains, nuts, and seeds in favour of meat, fish, and other animal foods such as eggs and some dairy products.

Rogan decided to take on the challenge after he stepped on a set of scales during a podcast last year and found that he weighed 205lbs (14.5st) - which he said was the 'fattest he had ever been'.

But while the 52-year-old admitted he thought it was kind of 'wacky' experiment, it's proven to be a success.

In a video posted to his Instagram account, he revealed his trim torso, saying: "So I did the carnivore diet for all of January, I lost 12 pounds, gained a tonne of energy - my energy levels were completely flat the whole month, no ups and downs from crashing after eating.

Rogan has been following the carnivore diet for the past month.

"I had a belly; a lot of people made fun of me, fat-shamed me. I lost all my fat, I lost the belly, I lost my love handles. I don't know if I'm gonna keep eating like this but it was tremendously beneficial.

"I also have an auto-immune disorder, it's called vitiligo, and my vitiligo improved, I had a bunch of white spots fill in, so, I don't know."

He added: "I went into this thing thinking this carnivore diet was wacky and probably thought it was nonsense, but this is as good as I've felt in a long time and it's just one month. "

But it's not all been plain-sailing for Rogan. Oh, no. Such a drastic change to his diet was a bit of a shock to the system, and his body had to get used to it.

Midway through his the experiment Rogan suffered from severe diarrhoea. Extremely severe.

It wasn't all plain-sailing for Rogan, however, he also suffered with explosive diarrhea.

Sharing his pain on Instagram, the podcast host wrote: "There's really only one 'bad' thing, and that thing is diarrhoea.

"I'm not sure diarrhoea is an accurate word for it, like I don't think a shark is technically a fish. It's a different thing, and with regular diarrhoea I would compare it to a fire you see coming a block or two away and you have the time to make an escape, whereas this carnivore diet is like out of nowhere the fire is coming through the cracks, your doorknob is red hot, and all hope is lost.

"I haven't s*** my pants yet, but I've come to accept that if I keep going with this diet it's just a matter of time before we lose a battle, and I fill my undies like a rainforest mudslide overtaking a mountain road."

Featured Image Credit: Instagram

Topics: Instagram, Food, joe rogan, Interesting, US Entertainment, Diet