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Body language expert shares hack to make yourself instantly more attractive

Body language expert shares hack to make yourself instantly more attractive

Body language expert, Scott Taylor, has worked with the head of the FBI

A body language expert who's worked with the head of the FBI has revealed the secret tricks to becoming 'more attractive'.

Scott Taylor has said there are a number of body language signals you can do to appear more attractive to others.

"We're attracted to confidence and positivity but we often don't know what that looks like. Confident people take up space," Scott explained to FEMAIL.

"Also if there's an element of attraction to us, we see that they're relaxed and confident. You have got to get to comfort and safety first before you build report and likeability."

So, what are the tricks?

1.Mimic their mannerisms

Scott explained that one way to make someone relaxed in your presence is to mimic their mannerisms.

"I look at someone's YouTube, Facebook, whatever and I pick up words, gesture patterns, head tilt nuances, what they do with their hands and everything," he explained.

"So when I'm speaking to them, I know if I want this person to really like me quickly I need to approach him on the left-hand side, using symmetrical gestures, using this gesture pattern for important words need to use this speaking pattern and this person walks away in a minute going, 'There's just something about that person I like'."

A body language expert who's worked with the head of the FBI has revealed the secret tricks to becoming 'more attractive'.
Catherine Falls Commercial/Getty Stock Images

2.Remove obstacles

Interestingly, Scott explained that if you want to encourage openness between you and another person, you should remove any obstacles between you.

"If you're sitting down at a dinner or dealing with people, move any barriers in between you, because people use those as a safety blanket," he said.

"If someone has their drink in front of them or their mobile phone, the more they build some barriers, that is subconsciously them showing you they've got some feeling of discomfort."

3.Be present and positive

Scott also explained that being positive and fully present - in other words, ditching your phone - are also hugely important factors.

"Be present, fully present. If the second you're speaking with somebody, you've got your phone in your hand, they're not the most important thing in the room to you," he added.

Scott explained that one way to make someone relaxed in your presence is to mimic their mannerisms.
Klaus Vedfelt/Getty Stock Images

4.Open power zones

Scott revealed that if someone is turning their belly away from you, then they're not feeling comfortable.

Explaining that we want 'power zones to be open', Scott says we should point our belly and our feet in the person's direction.

It's also a good indicator to spot if someone is attracted to you.

Scott also suggests keeping your thumbs on show, maintaining eye contact and blinking less.

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

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