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Man Trades Car For A Sachet Of Szechuan Sauce

Man Trades Car For A Sachet Of Szechuan Sauce

Apparently that's a fair deal.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Since Rick and Morty returned for its third season, two things have come from it.

The first is obviously another great series, but the second is a rather niche and at times unnecessary desire for McDonald's Szechuan sauce.

Back in 1998, Maccies launched the one-off sauce to coincide with the release of Disney's Mulan, and after that it became a distant memory.


Since creators of the show Justin Roiland and Dan Harmon brought the sauce back into our lives it's been a sought after product, with people shelling out ridiculous amounts of money for old, unopened sachets.

The piss may well have been truly taken recently though, as someone has traded a car for a packet of the condiment.

Rachel Marie was the woman who managed to get the car, according to The Drive, but only wanted to trade the sauce for some collectible pins.

Because this man didn't have any collectible pins, he went to the next best thing (of course) and offered a 2004 Volkswagen Golf GTI instead.

It's not even as if the motor was a banger, either, as it had 1.8-liter turbo 4-cylinder engine with five on the floor.

"I didn't even think I was going to get pin offers," Rachel told The Drive, "Then he offered the car."

In fairness, despite what seems like a ridiculous trade, one packet of the sauce actually sold for $14,700 (£11,500), so if the former owner of the car can get a similar price, he's already better off than Rachel depending on the condition of the car.

Cashing in on the in demand product, the benefactor of the $14,700 (£11,500) wrote on eBay; "I just bought a really old car, while cleaning it I found a packet of this sauce.

Credit: Adult Swim/Rick and Morty

"After watching the recent episode of Rick and Morty I went online to see if it was worth anything. Turns out it was. Also this comes with a packet of wasabi as well.

"I hope somebody who wants to eat some 20 year old gnarly sauce gets this. I would prefer not to sell it to a collector."

Over 36,000 people came forward to sign a petition asking McDonald's to bring back the elusive sauce, some to find out what it tastes like, others because their life is ruled by nostalgia.

On October 7, a limited amount of the sauce was available at select fast food joints across America.

The sauce became available because as McDonald's released its new Buttermilk Crispy Tenders, as well as giving away 1,000 limited-edition, hand numbered, screen-printed posters for the various sauces available alongside them.

On its website, McDonald's said: "Szechuan Sauce fans are typically incredibly motivated, born winners that combine a sweet disposition with a slow burning heat. When these people set goals (or make outright demands), they tend to achieve them.

"Sometimes, their impulsivity can get them into all sorts of hijinks, but their mad genius is their portal out of trouble. They truly put the 'I WANT THAT SZECHUAN SAUCE' in Buttermilk Crispy Tenders'"

Featured Image Credit: Rachel Marie

Topics: McDonald's, Rick and Morty